Dragon’s Teeth & Waterfalls

Dragon's Teeth & Waterfalls is a song written by Katie Doherty, and performed by members of Cream Tees & The Northern Heartlands Singers; commissioned by Music at the Heart of Teesdale in partnership with Northern Heartlands.

Katie met with local residents of Teesdale, gleaning stories, sayings and snippets of songs from Cream Tees & The Northern Heartlands Singers in workshops at the Bowes Museum, before crafting the song through the summer of 2019.

First premiered in September 2019 at Eggleston Agricultural Show, as part of a wider programme reintroducing live music to the show, the song lay dormant during the pandemic, until in early November 2021, the song was lovingly brought back to life by the original performers at Mickleton Village Hall.


Music for/ Dancing to Music


The Ceilidh Project